Monday, 24 March 2014

annanemone - square one.

I've got a week until I have to set up the exhibition at the Warehouse Cafe. It's been a bit manic planning it but really good practice- deciding which work to pick, how to hang it, how to promote yourself..
Last week I made some A2 lino prints (which I can't wait to share, they're preetty psychedelic) and it was really nice going back among more fine art-y people as opposed to fashion all the time. It feels really good to work with your hands the whole day and then come home and feel like you've actually accomplished something. 

On another note, I finally made a Facebook page for my brand annanemone! So like it and spread the word, I promise not to spam your news feed too much. Thanks so much for the support!

Yesterday my lovely housemates Louise and Sophie (who have been featured here before!) were my models. Also Louise promised to be one for our MA fashion show in June, I'm really excited! Now that it's on here you can't back out Louise. Ha! 
I photoshoped my patterns on their clothes to see what they would look like, which will be helpful with deciding which prints to choose for the fashion show. Which ones do you like/would like to see more of?



  1. Anna! these are so great, had no idea you were doing MA textile design, awesome and my faves are ont he top row 1st and 4th, and bottom row 1st and 4th aswell, would be great to see you at some point, maybe the fashion show in June! x

  2. Jenny! Thanks so much! Yeah those are some of my favourite ones too actually.. YES come up for that! I'll tell you next time I'm down in London town xx
